Friday, September 21, 2012

Why I despise religion.

Evolution is so clear. We are attracted to foods that arefatty, salty, and sweet. We evolved to have these tastes because these types offood are rich in nutrients and will help us live through the famine. We avoidfoods that are bitter or sour. These tastes tend to represent toxins that areharmful. It is so easy. I look at everything around me and it all makes sense.If I were religious, I would not have this insight. Instead, when even in theface of such obvious facts, I would strive to find a way to refute it. I wouldlie to myself, only listen to others who tell me what I want to hear, andmaintain my ignorance. I could never see something for what it truly is.

I don’t despise all who are religious. I just despise thepeople who pick and choose their religion. The people who say they’re Catholic,will fight someone who speaks out against Christianity, but don’t even go tochurch every Sunday. That confuses me. I hate people in power who use religionto take advantage of others. And I especially hate how religion teaches peopleto not ask questions, to not question authority, and rely on faith, which wasinvented by someone else for some purposeful reason, over logic and reason.

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