Friday, September 21, 2012

"Thank God for dead soldiers."

“Thank God for dead soldiers.” –Westboro Baptist Church

 We limit individual liberties all the time. If you commitmurder or steal, you will be forced into prison. If you organize a rally thatinfluences hate crimes, you will be silenced. The aim seems to be to preventsome from injuring others by limiting their liberties (i.e., limiting theirability to injure others). This is an interesting case because thesefundamentalists are not injuring anyone; they’re just stressing thememotionally. (And the fine line emerges.) If you interpret public mourning to bea protected liberty, or having emotional stress as an infringement on one’sliberty, then these fundamentalists would be committing a crime. However, if inother cases you would interpret the receiving party as just being overlysensitive, then how is that any different than this?


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